"18 And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. 20 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’” 21 And he said, “All these I have kept from my youth.” 22 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 23 But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. 24 Jesus, seeing that he had become sad, said, “How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” 26 Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” 27 But he said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” 28 And Peter said, “See, we have left our homes and followed you.” 29 And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers [2] or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.” -Luke 18:18-30
I'm not a big fan of traditional gospel music ..but there's an old gospel song that says "We'll have a little talk with Jesus, and we'll tell Him all about our troubles....". I believe Jesus made it fairly obvious, in the Scripture quoted above, the solution to what ails us. He even topped this! He died "specifically" for you and me. "...easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle..."sell all you have". Maybe it's not a concrete evidence ...but this way of thinking speaks, to me, of Jesus' Godliness. Likewise, it sure speaks to His "human-ness". Being a fellow human ...He knows what we get hung up on. And I don't think He is picking on wealthy people specifically, or exclusively. This just happens to be the most outward, and obvious, sign of "self-containment"! We have made "wealth" our goal, as a society.
And Jesus also made it clear that it is not the act of properly obeying the law that gets us to eternity ....lest any of us should boast. He knew this fella' knew the rules. To gain, you must lose ...it appears. I believe God's word says that too.
I've often had to thank the Lord that I am glad I don't have any money to speak of. If I did ...I wonder what kind of Christ-follower I would be. I wonder if I could get my focus off of "me". What keeps you from Him?
"And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all." -Ephesians 1:22-23
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I love a good story
One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. -Luke 18:1
I love stories. I'm one of those guys that could sit on a front porch with an "old-timer" and listen to story, after story. Stories paint picutres. More than just flat "information" or data ....stories come to life as our ears absorb them. I recently recognized, truly recognized, the type of learner I really am. I learn through stories, images, pictures. It helps me see the "big picture" of a narrative.
I've also learned, over the years, when it comes to faith in Christ ...we can argue and debate details, specifics, historical evidences, truth, lies, etc. ....all day long. Many things I've found myself "debating" recently have been debated for centuries. Nothing new under the sun ..as a wise man once said. And many of these debates still haven't been resolved ...among God's creation at least. But do you know what isn't open to debate? "My" story. You have a story too. Things which you or I have not experienced are subject to debate. Why? Well, because we weren't there to "know" them as fact. But what isn't open for debate is "my story".
I have a great responsibility with my story; especially my story of how Jesus Christ is my Savior, and became my Lord. When I consider my life experiences, which build my story, I have to be certain that they align with the foundations and historical truths I have based my faith upon. Otherwise, they are nothing more than my stories alone.
It is not ironic, to say the least, that this particular passage of Scripture was brought to me today. Telling "stories" has been a significant topic of discussion lately. A dear friend recently lent me an audio series which describes how "storying" the Bible is so effective in evangelistic methods. That's a very small affirmation, in the larger scheme of things. But, to me, it simply shores up the walls of my faith as I am reminded that the Lord, to whom I am endeared, used "stories" to tell "His" story.
I love stories. I'm one of those guys that could sit on a front porch with an "old-timer" and listen to story, after story. Stories paint picutres. More than just flat "information" or data ....stories come to life as our ears absorb them. I recently recognized, truly recognized, the type of learner I really am. I learn through stories, images, pictures. It helps me see the "big picture" of a narrative.
I've also learned, over the years, when it comes to faith in Christ ...we can argue and debate details, specifics, historical evidences, truth, lies, etc. ....all day long. Many things I've found myself "debating" recently have been debated for centuries. Nothing new under the sun ..as a wise man once said. And many of these debates still haven't been resolved ...among God's creation at least. But do you know what isn't open to debate? "My" story. You have a story too. Things which you or I have not experienced are subject to debate. Why? Well, because we weren't there to "know" them as fact. But what isn't open for debate is "my story".
I have a great responsibility with my story; especially my story of how Jesus Christ is my Savior, and became my Lord. When I consider my life experiences, which build my story, I have to be certain that they align with the foundations and historical truths I have based my faith upon. Otherwise, they are nothing more than my stories alone.
It is not ironic, to say the least, that this particular passage of Scripture was brought to me today. Telling "stories" has been a significant topic of discussion lately. A dear friend recently lent me an audio series which describes how "storying" the Bible is so effective in evangelistic methods. That's a very small affirmation, in the larger scheme of things. But, to me, it simply shores up the walls of my faith as I am reminded that the Lord, to whom I am endeared, used "stories" to tell "His" story.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
How it all began...?
I can't decide if this (how it all began) is what it always comes back to. "It" being ...discussions of spirituality, eternity, our purpose. I can't decide if it's about our origins or if the discussion is far less about that and more about the "Jesus problem". That term deserves some explanation I guess. I'll get to that in a moment.
I have met atheists (a-theist) who simply deny the existance of a supreme being; God, if you will. I have met agnostics who, admittedly, just don't know (let's be honest and say that we can all at least empathize with this group). I know "deists (de-ist) ...who believe in "a" God ...and base their belief on the common-sense factor of the results of nature, that you and I had to get here from somewhere / someone. If you're in this camp ...then you need little explanation of my former term of the "Jesus problem". And, case in point, there are those who believe in, and follow the direction, example, and teaching of ...a Messiah. Unless this is the first article you've read from me ...you know that I fall into the camp of "Christian". By definition ...a "little Christ". More losely termed, yet accurate, a "Chrst-follower". I believe Christ "is" the Messiah.
I guess there are no rules that say there can't be multiple "problems" at hand. Maybe the big-picture problem is two-fold. (a) Were we created by a Creator or was it happenstance that brought us into existance. Still can't wrap my brain around the amount of faith that takes. (b) Maybe you don't wrestle with the creation / Creation argument at all ....but this whole Jesus idea just doesn't set well with you. Well ...you're not the first; rest assured ...just not too long.
I like history. I did not enjoy it once ...when I was younger. Only because I had no appreciation for what history tells me about... "who I am", "where I come from". We must be careful with history. Stories can be skewed, or even twisted to meet a need. And "history" being the teacher ....when it comes to our permanence, or lack thereof, or our eternal destination .....people take that pretty seriously. Many cultures, today, still hand down "stories" (non-written) from generation to generation. In fact, on a practical level, history is the reason I am, and remain, a Christ-follower. Historical accounts of who Christ is and what He has done have been recorded for future generations ...not by hear-say proclaimers ....but by those who walked with Him, healed with Him, laughed with Him, hurt and cried with Him, obeyed Him, dis-obeyed Him ...and yes, even watched Him die for them. These men and women have personal experiences that lay the foundations of "Christianity".
But it's even more than that! Those personal experiences, alone, would have been enough to convince most of us that Jesus is who and what He says He is. The fact is that Jesus, Himself, never made such a claim based on His own testimony and works alone. God's original covenant / agreement with His people make clear the claim and coming of a Messiah. We could spend hours, years, centuries (..and we have..) loading the scales to determine to which side the evidence falls.
But again, in keeping true with this historical proclamation, the evidence, alone, doesn't supply the only basis / foundation for the Christian belief. As the words were written ..."faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)
The Christian faith, in practice and proclamation, doesn't come from a singular source. Yet from many witnesses of God's manifestation of Himself, in various ways, to various people. I think the old saying is true. It takes a lot more faith to believe in most of the alternatives to Christ ...than the faith required of us, His followers, to believe in Him. It would seem, to me, that a ridiculous amount of evidence has been provided to support the truth of Jesus Christ. You'll have to read the Scriptures for yourself to see those. There isn't enough blog to contain it here.
To choose not to believe is ....just stubborn I guess, and maybe just frustrated. To conclude that all good people go to Heaven is, at the very least, presumptuous, short-sighted, and ultimately self-defeating. I mean ..I do know, for certain, that it wasn't "me" who spun all of us into existance. That being true ...I probably can't dictate or mandate what it takes to get "back" to eternity. I'm just sayin'. Dear friend ....will you please just give God a "chance" to speak to you ..and listen in the way "He" asks us to? This isn't about "church" (..at least not as you and I have typically seen..). Forget the building or the practices for a minute. Find someone willing to spend time with you, to argue with you and neither of you be afraid to be honest about what you know right now, to love you enough to even want to argue with you ..and you with them. The worst that can happen is that you'll be un-moved. Well, that's where you are anyway ....so you won't lose any ground. The "best" thing that can happen is ...you will be enlightened! You can begin to see the possibility (faith) of a loving God ...greater than you or I.
"In the beginning ...God created..." -Genesis - book of beginnings
I have met atheists (a-theist) who simply deny the existance of a supreme being; God, if you will. I have met agnostics who, admittedly, just don't know (let's be honest and say that we can all at least empathize with this group). I know "deists (de-ist) ...who believe in "a" God ...and base their belief on the common-sense factor of the results of nature, that you and I had to get here from somewhere / someone. If you're in this camp ...then you need little explanation of my former term of the "Jesus problem". And, case in point, there are those who believe in, and follow the direction, example, and teaching of ...a Messiah. Unless this is the first article you've read from me ...you know that I fall into the camp of "Christian". By definition ...a "little Christ". More losely termed, yet accurate, a "Chrst-follower". I believe Christ "is" the Messiah.
I guess there are no rules that say there can't be multiple "problems" at hand. Maybe the big-picture problem is two-fold. (a) Were we created by a Creator or was it happenstance that brought us into existance. Still can't wrap my brain around the amount of faith that takes. (b) Maybe you don't wrestle with the creation / Creation argument at all ....but this whole Jesus idea just doesn't set well with you. Well ...you're not the first; rest assured ...just not too long.
I like history. I did not enjoy it once ...when I was younger. Only because I had no appreciation for what history tells me about... "who I am", "where I come from". We must be careful with history. Stories can be skewed, or even twisted to meet a need. And "history" being the teacher ....when it comes to our permanence, or lack thereof, or our eternal destination .....people take that pretty seriously. Many cultures, today, still hand down "stories" (non-written) from generation to generation. In fact, on a practical level, history is the reason I am, and remain, a Christ-follower. Historical accounts of who Christ is and what He has done have been recorded for future generations ...not by hear-say proclaimers ....but by those who walked with Him, healed with Him, laughed with Him, hurt and cried with Him, obeyed Him, dis-obeyed Him ...and yes, even watched Him die for them. These men and women have personal experiences that lay the foundations of "Christianity".
But it's even more than that! Those personal experiences, alone, would have been enough to convince most of us that Jesus is who and what He says He is. The fact is that Jesus, Himself, never made such a claim based on His own testimony and works alone. God's original covenant / agreement with His people make clear the claim and coming of a Messiah. We could spend hours, years, centuries (..and we have..) loading the scales to determine to which side the evidence falls.
But again, in keeping true with this historical proclamation, the evidence, alone, doesn't supply the only basis / foundation for the Christian belief. As the words were written ..."faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)
The Christian faith, in practice and proclamation, doesn't come from a singular source. Yet from many witnesses of God's manifestation of Himself, in various ways, to various people. I think the old saying is true. It takes a lot more faith to believe in most of the alternatives to Christ ...than the faith required of us, His followers, to believe in Him. It would seem, to me, that a ridiculous amount of evidence has been provided to support the truth of Jesus Christ. You'll have to read the Scriptures for yourself to see those. There isn't enough blog to contain it here.
To choose not to believe is ....just stubborn I guess, and maybe just frustrated. To conclude that all good people go to Heaven is, at the very least, presumptuous, short-sighted, and ultimately self-defeating. I mean ..I do know, for certain, that it wasn't "me" who spun all of us into existance. That being true ...I probably can't dictate or mandate what it takes to get "back" to eternity. I'm just sayin'. Dear friend ....will you please just give God a "chance" to speak to you ..and listen in the way "He" asks us to? This isn't about "church" (..at least not as you and I have typically seen..). Forget the building or the practices for a minute. Find someone willing to spend time with you, to argue with you and neither of you be afraid to be honest about what you know right now, to love you enough to even want to argue with you ..and you with them. The worst that can happen is that you'll be un-moved. Well, that's where you are anyway ....so you won't lose any ground. The "best" thing that can happen is ...you will be enlightened! You can begin to see the possibility (faith) of a loving God ...greater than you or I.
"In the beginning ...God created..." -Genesis - book of beginnings
Monday, July 26, 2010
Shooting Ourselves In The Foot
"And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord "
-Judges 4:1
I find myself using the expression "..shooting yourself in the foot" all the time with my boys. I'm probably shooting myself in the foot by using it too often. Reading through the book of 'Judges' I think the above passage is at least the 3rd or 4th iteration where "God's chosen people" were ....shooting themselves in the foot. Surely they "knew" that the Lord was their Deliverer? Yet, they did what displeased Him. Or maybe they only believed it when they really needed to.
I guess not much has changed. I've praised my Lord many times when things are going well. But what about when things go south? Well, my track record isn't that great ...but I am encouraged! I've found myself praising Him ..even when things aren't going that well. It's been rather of a "refining" process to begin to learn this ever-important attitude toward my Father. Isn't it time that we not only say it ...but that we "know" He is Lord of all? I don't want to lash out at God anymore ...when things don't go like I want them to. If we can trust Him today ..isn't He trustworthy tomorrow ..and the next day?
-Judges 4:1
I find myself using the expression "..shooting yourself in the foot" all the time with my boys. I'm probably shooting myself in the foot by using it too often. Reading through the book of 'Judges' I think the above passage is at least the 3rd or 4th iteration where "God's chosen people" were ....shooting themselves in the foot. Surely they "knew" that the Lord was their Deliverer? Yet, they did what displeased Him. Or maybe they only believed it when they really needed to.
I guess not much has changed. I've praised my Lord many times when things are going well. But what about when things go south? Well, my track record isn't that great ...but I am encouraged! I've found myself praising Him ..even when things aren't going that well. It's been rather of a "refining" process to begin to learn this ever-important attitude toward my Father. Isn't it time that we not only say it ...but that we "know" He is Lord of all? I don't want to lash out at God anymore ...when things don't go like I want them to. If we can trust Him today ..isn't He trustworthy tomorrow ..and the next day?
Have you ever been "consumed" with something ...anything? My wife and I are purchasing a home as we speak. Believe me ...it "consumes" us. We are constantly discussing details of the house, what we want to do to it. Our boys are less consumed ..but they, too, are thinking of each of their rooms and how they want to make it their own. My middle son is considering where he'll place his drum kit.
There was a man, a prophet, named Jeremiah who was "consumed". I was reading something he said....
If I say, “I will not mention him,
or speak any more in his name,”
there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in,
and I cannot.
O Lord of hosts, who tests the righteous,
who sees the heart and the mind,
let me see your vengeance upon them,
for to you have I committed my cause.
-Jeremiah 20:9; Jeremiah 20:12
This is fascinating! God tested Jeremiah and he even felt "deceived" (Jeremiah 20:7) Yet... regardless of how he "felt", He still recognized God was stronger than he, that God had prevailed. Even in his frustration with circumstances ...Jeremiah recognized two very significant details of life as a creation of The Creator... (a) that God was in charge, and (b) that he simply couldn't hold back that which God speaks to, and through, him. Jeremiah had committed his cause to his Lord. He was "consumed".
God's new agreement with you and I (the New Testament of Scirpture) says that we cannot serve two masters. We'll love one and hate the other. In this case he spoke of "mammon" (riches, wealth, material things) ...which is the primary issue that today's world is either greedy on behalf of ....or feels persecuted due to a lack of it; whether you are young or old. We have "consumed" ourselves with material things.
Regardless of mine, or your, "personal persecution" or undesirable circumstances in life ....do we waffle back and forth with God? If He is God ...surely we can either trust Him with everything ...or simply can trust Him with nothing. Jesus said, Himself "You're either for me, or against me.". Jeremiah couldn't hold back that which God had placed inside him. His circumstances, in life, were far from pleasing many times ...but he knew to whom he had already committed his cause. He was so consumed with his Heavenly Father ...that he was unable to hold back glorifying Him. You may say.. well, God is not speaking to or through me!" Dear friend, from my own personal failures, surrender, and seeing God speak to and through this frail man ...let me assure you that He very much desires to do both ...but on "His" circumstances. That's it! That is what God wants for us, from us. Simply glorifying "Him". Do you not have what your friends / neighbors have? Or maybe you are one of the "haves". Priase God for it ...whichever camp you fall into. If you have riches, material things ....use them to glorify God. If you have "not" ....then things just became even more simpe. Use "you" to glorify God.
There was a man, a prophet, named Jeremiah who was "consumed". I was reading something he said....
If I say, “I will not mention him,
or speak any more in his name,”
there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in,
and I cannot.
O Lord of hosts, who tests the righteous,
who sees the heart and the mind,
let me see your vengeance upon them,
for to you have I committed my cause.
-Jeremiah 20:9; Jeremiah 20:12
This is fascinating! God tested Jeremiah and he even felt "deceived" (Jeremiah 20:7) Yet... regardless of how he "felt", He still recognized God was stronger than he, that God had prevailed. Even in his frustration with circumstances ...Jeremiah recognized two very significant details of life as a creation of The Creator... (a) that God was in charge, and (b) that he simply couldn't hold back that which God speaks to, and through, him. Jeremiah had committed his cause to his Lord. He was "consumed".
God's new agreement with you and I (the New Testament of Scirpture) says that we cannot serve two masters. We'll love one and hate the other. In this case he spoke of "mammon" (riches, wealth, material things) ...which is the primary issue that today's world is either greedy on behalf of ....or feels persecuted due to a lack of it; whether you are young or old. We have "consumed" ourselves with material things.
Regardless of mine, or your, "personal persecution" or undesirable circumstances in life ....do we waffle back and forth with God? If He is God ...surely we can either trust Him with everything ...or simply can trust Him with nothing. Jesus said, Himself "You're either for me, or against me.". Jeremiah couldn't hold back that which God had placed inside him. His circumstances, in life, were far from pleasing many times ...but he knew to whom he had already committed his cause. He was so consumed with his Heavenly Father ...that he was unable to hold back glorifying Him. You may say.. well, God is not speaking to or through me!" Dear friend, from my own personal failures, surrender, and seeing God speak to and through this frail man ...let me assure you that He very much desires to do both ...but on "His" circumstances. That's it! That is what God wants for us, from us. Simply glorifying "Him". Do you not have what your friends / neighbors have? Or maybe you are one of the "haves". Priase God for it ...whichever camp you fall into. If you have riches, material things ....use them to glorify God. If you have "not" ....then things just became even more simpe. Use "you" to glorify God.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Who's That Knockin' On My Door?
If you live in the South you know that a knock on your "front" door is typically indicative that someone is there who really doesn't know you or your family well, or at all. We use whatever door is closest to the automobile we drive! Am I right?? Around these parts ...it's a pretty fair guess that it is a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS). This morning I had a knock on the "front" door, and to no surprise I was blessed to meet a very kind young man, and his daughter, of the Jehovah's Witness faith. I've yet to meet anyone of the Jehovah's Witness faith that I didn't like. Very kind, and well mannered, folks. We had a good discussion.
I thank God for this meeting today. It was instantly comfortable. I just happened to be wearing a t-shirt from a former fellowship I served with ...and he noticed the church name. This truly opened a door for honest discussion. I was able to immediately, and humbly, communicate that he and I both know that there are some fundamental "doctrinal" (teaching) differences. If you're not a person of faith ...you may be saying, right now, "here's another hair-splitting contest over belief. How can we know anyway?" Honestly, I felt no need to argue doctrine with this young man. I did, quite frankly, share Scripture that Jesus stated very clearly of Himself. "So, why does that matter?" ...you may ask. This is not argument, for the sake of argument. It is about basing belief on "foundations" ...and I see no better historical evidence than the foundations of Scripture ...not simply because it is "scripture", but because it is a historical record of what Jesus said about Himself, penned by those who witnessed it.
We could have argued "doctrine" all day, but Jesus' words pretty well speak for themselves, so I simply stated Scripture that this young man already knows. Jesus said something very bold, of Himself...
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6
It isn't about winning the argument. It isn't about having the correct doctrine. "It" is about the Holy God whom we serve, and are fearfully and wonderfully created by! "It" is about the assurance of salvation which you and I, and this young man from Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and his daughter, can have. This kind man's doctrine teaches that we cannot know, for certain, who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But I don't serve an uncertain God, nor a God who desires that I be uncertain. I serve a God who is no respecter of men ...and a God who's desire it is that NONE SHOULD PERISH (2 Peter 3:9)
I sincerely enjoyed talking with this gentleman on my front porch this morning. We should all be able to simply "talk". I invited him to come in, but he has other houses to go to. So I invited him back any time ..and he graciously accepted that invitation. You never know when you'll learn something new. Don't be afraid. Know in whom you have believed ...and be convinced that He is able to keep that which He has committed (1 Timothy 1:12). Treat strangers with the same love that Christ expressed for you ....a stranger.
To learn more about Jehovah's Witness and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ..click on the link below. These folks have done an outstanding job to help equip us and to understand this melting pot of "beliefs" we encounter in our culture.
overview of Jehovah's Witness belief at www.4truth.net
I thank God for this meeting today. It was instantly comfortable. I just happened to be wearing a t-shirt from a former fellowship I served with ...and he noticed the church name. This truly opened a door for honest discussion. I was able to immediately, and humbly, communicate that he and I both know that there are some fundamental "doctrinal" (teaching) differences. If you're not a person of faith ...you may be saying, right now, "here's another hair-splitting contest over belief. How can we know anyway?" Honestly, I felt no need to argue doctrine with this young man. I did, quite frankly, share Scripture that Jesus stated very clearly of Himself. "So, why does that matter?" ...you may ask. This is not argument, for the sake of argument. It is about basing belief on "foundations" ...and I see no better historical evidence than the foundations of Scripture ...not simply because it is "scripture", but because it is a historical record of what Jesus said about Himself, penned by those who witnessed it.
We could have argued "doctrine" all day, but Jesus' words pretty well speak for themselves, so I simply stated Scripture that this young man already knows. Jesus said something very bold, of Himself...
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6
It isn't about winning the argument. It isn't about having the correct doctrine. "It" is about the Holy God whom we serve, and are fearfully and wonderfully created by! "It" is about the assurance of salvation which you and I, and this young man from Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and his daughter, can have. This kind man's doctrine teaches that we cannot know, for certain, who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But I don't serve an uncertain God, nor a God who desires that I be uncertain. I serve a God who is no respecter of men ...and a God who's desire it is that NONE SHOULD PERISH (2 Peter 3:9)
I sincerely enjoyed talking with this gentleman on my front porch this morning. We should all be able to simply "talk". I invited him to come in, but he has other houses to go to. So I invited him back any time ..and he graciously accepted that invitation. You never know when you'll learn something new. Don't be afraid. Know in whom you have believed ...and be convinced that He is able to keep that which He has committed (1 Timothy 1:12). Treat strangers with the same love that Christ expressed for you ....a stranger.
To learn more about Jehovah's Witness and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ..click on the link below. These folks have done an outstanding job to help equip us and to understand this melting pot of "beliefs" we encounter in our culture.
overview of Jehovah's Witness belief at www.4truth.net
Friday, July 23, 2010
A Few Lucky Birds
Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. -Luke 12:7
That's it?? ..more valuable than many sparrows? Jesus, I was kinda' looking for something along the lines of ...more valuable than gold, the cattle of a thousand hills, a Trump palace. Those are my initial thoughts anyway. But then I look a little more closely, and see what Jesus was saying in the context of the situation at hand. There were thousand of people gathered around Jesus and His friends ...so much so that some were being trampled. Sounds kinda' like a rock concert. Jesus was discussing the shallow-ness and the mis-guided ways of the pharisees ...and He told those with him not to fear. His Father even cared, and had not forgotten about, something as seemingly insignificant as five sparrows that could be sold for a couple of pennies.
Sometimes I'm afraid. And that fear comes from me thinking I don't have enough, or even what I need. I want to have what others have. A Trump palace wouldn't be so bad, noteriety and appreciation would be nice too. But at times I'm even fearful that I don't have enough to be what God wants me to be. But then Jesus speaks and shows "me" how shallow I can be sometimes. He desires faaaaaar better than earthly riches and noteriety for me. He said that His Father, my Father, even knows the hairs on my head. Next time I feel insignificant, or that things aren't going my way .....maybe these words will remind me just how significant I really am ...and I'll trust that whatever didn't go my way probably wasn't best anyway. Maybe that's what "faith" is.
That's it?? ..more valuable than many sparrows? Jesus, I was kinda' looking for something along the lines of ...more valuable than gold, the cattle of a thousand hills, a Trump palace. Those are my initial thoughts anyway. But then I look a little more closely, and see what Jesus was saying in the context of the situation at hand. There were thousand of people gathered around Jesus and His friends ...so much so that some were being trampled. Sounds kinda' like a rock concert. Jesus was discussing the shallow-ness and the mis-guided ways of the pharisees ...and He told those with him not to fear. His Father even cared, and had not forgotten about, something as seemingly insignificant as five sparrows that could be sold for a couple of pennies.
Sometimes I'm afraid. And that fear comes from me thinking I don't have enough, or even what I need. I want to have what others have. A Trump palace wouldn't be so bad, noteriety and appreciation would be nice too. But at times I'm even fearful that I don't have enough to be what God wants me to be. But then Jesus speaks and shows "me" how shallow I can be sometimes. He desires faaaaaar better than earthly riches and noteriety for me. He said that His Father, my Father, even knows the hairs on my head. Next time I feel insignificant, or that things aren't going my way .....maybe these words will remind me just how significant I really am ...and I'll trust that whatever didn't go my way probably wasn't best anyway. Maybe that's what "faith" is.
Monday, July 19, 2010
....and he died
Finality, mortality... words that represent the "end" of things. As I listened this morning, passively, to the Genesis account ....the words "...and he died" [Genesis 9:29] stood out with particular interest. I'm not sure if dubbing Noah as a "hero of the faith" quite defines how God worked through Him but, other than being given direct commands from the the Creator, I suppose he was an average man in his day, and quite mortal. So mortal, in fact, that "he died". The Genesis numbers have been argued. That is ...the translation from the ancient text. But whether Noah was 950 years old, over 100, or whatever age ..."he died". God used this particular man in a drammatic fashion, and to display God's power. Those around Noah thought he was a crazy man, but in his obedience he proved the nay-sayers wrong. He believed, and obeyed, his God. Yet.... "he died".
At the risk of pulling the humility card ..where do you and I fall in the big picture of life, and of death? None of us can map, with complete accuracy, the outcome, the sum, of our lives. But what is certain is that, like Noah, we too ....die. In fact... pick out your favorite hero from Scripture. Chances are ...they eventually died (someone will mention Elijah, no doubt).
Two questions come to mind, and quite naturally, when considering these words. (a) What is, or will be, the meaning of my life, and (b) what will become of the real me when I, too, have died? It's ok.... consider "death", consider your "life", and the Creator's plan. It might change the way we live.
At the risk of pulling the humility card ..where do you and I fall in the big picture of life, and of death? None of us can map, with complete accuracy, the outcome, the sum, of our lives. But what is certain is that, like Noah, we too ....die. In fact... pick out your favorite hero from Scripture. Chances are ...they eventually died (someone will mention Elijah, no doubt).
Two questions come to mind, and quite naturally, when considering these words. (a) What is, or will be, the meaning of my life, and (b) what will become of the real me when I, too, have died? It's ok.... consider "death", consider your "life", and the Creator's plan. It might change the way we live.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dirty Deeds... Done Disciple Cheap
John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you.” -Luke 9:49-50
You can almost smell the pithy-ness (my new favorite word....look it up) of John here. Hey...it's not heresy... it's "human". Jesus was Lord, not him / them. C'mon ....we've all been there. "Especially" if you're a guy. There's almost no worse feeling than failing to be able to do something, and then someone else coming along and succeeding. This "someone" that John attempted to stop from casting out demons wasn't even a member of "The Disciple Dozen"! This wasn't his party! He probably wasn't even invited!! But.... he was doing "the will of the Father". How else could he cast out demons (short of a cheap magic trick)?
I absolutely love Jesus' response!! If I ever start thinking that being "Christian" is about me, specifically "for" me, or "dependant" on me..... this pretty well settles the argument. Jesus might as well have said to John.... Dude....let him cast out all the demons he wants! That's one less you or I have to cast out.... and one step closer toward fulfilling that little goal we have... you know, of going into the world and preaching the good news?. John did seem to state that this guy was not a "follower" with them. Whether that was by choice, unintentional ommission, or out-right disobedience on his own part .....the fella' was doing the Father's will. Despite any other faults he may have had ...not even the disciples could successfully argue against what he was doing.
I'm nearly 40 years old now. There are some young guys in my office that are probably going to be, if not sharper than me, likely "hungrier" than me to prove themselves. That goes with age too. Likewise, I'm a musician ....and I'd like to think I'm the best guitarist I know ...but I also know I simply am not. So, I have to just remind myself that I am "fearfully, and wonderfully made" ....and in God's "own image" no less. This also comes with age; being content with how God has blessed me. I'm not really sure, come to think of it, what there is to be jealous of. I'll just enjoy being "me".
You can almost smell the pithy-ness (my new favorite word....look it up) of John here. Hey...it's not heresy... it's "human". Jesus was Lord, not him / them. C'mon ....we've all been there. "Especially" if you're a guy. There's almost no worse feeling than failing to be able to do something, and then someone else coming along and succeeding. This "someone" that John attempted to stop from casting out demons wasn't even a member of "The Disciple Dozen"! This wasn't his party! He probably wasn't even invited!! But.... he was doing "the will of the Father". How else could he cast out demons (short of a cheap magic trick)?
I absolutely love Jesus' response!! If I ever start thinking that being "Christian" is about me, specifically "for" me, or "dependant" on me..... this pretty well settles the argument. Jesus might as well have said to John.... Dude....let him cast out all the demons he wants! That's one less you or I have to cast out.... and one step closer toward fulfilling that little goal we have... you know, of going into the world and preaching the good news?. John did seem to state that this guy was not a "follower" with them. Whether that was by choice, unintentional ommission, or out-right disobedience on his own part .....the fella' was doing the Father's will. Despite any other faults he may have had ...not even the disciples could successfully argue against what he was doing.
I'm nearly 40 years old now. There are some young guys in my office that are probably going to be, if not sharper than me, likely "hungrier" than me to prove themselves. That goes with age too. Likewise, I'm a musician ....and I'd like to think I'm the best guitarist I know ...but I also know I simply am not. So, I have to just remind myself that I am "fearfully, and wonderfully made" ....and in God's "own image" no less. This also comes with age; being content with how God has blessed me. I'm not really sure, come to think of it, what there is to be jealous of. I'll just enjoy being "me".
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Knee Jerk
" But he said to them, “You give them something to eat.” They said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish—unless we are to go and buy food for all these people.” For there were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” -Luke 9:13-14
Ever had a "knee-jerk" response to something? Of course you have. You're human. In the story line which this snippet of Scripture is taken ....the disciples "assumed" a whole lot in just a few short moments. Jesuse said to them... "You give them something to eat.". The disciples minds raced as they...
a. focussed on what they did not have. I see the here and the now. Logic and common sense tell me ...I either "have" something or I do not. There is only black & white. This is a humanistic viewpoint. I can't make stuff appear out of thin air. And I believe that is absolutely true and correct thinking ...but God can! Whether or not He chooses to depends on whether or not a circumstance aligns with fulfilling His own purpose. I don't need to take it personally when God doesn't move as I would have Him to... because, frankly, I usually desire that God move in a way that benefits, mostly, "me".
b. The disciples rushed to conclusions as they "assumed" what they were to do. "Well obviously, Jesus, you expect us to go buy the food ourselves; seeing that manna isn't falling from Heaven ....and I bet these folks don't think much of manna anyway." Once again, thoughts must have come back to the disciples "themselves" and what they did or did not have. Fine, they must've thought... they could go buy food, but that costs money, which they surely did not have enough of to feed 5,000 people (forget having seconds). But Jesus didn't expect this at all. He knew what He intended to do, and He simply expected his closely-knit little group to trust Him and be obedient. And here's the kicker ...what He had in mind was bigger and better anyway!!
When faced with questions of what we are to do ...what if we begin to practice "asking" the Provider? This means... "asking", and then "waiting" for Him to make it clear. I don't believe we are meant to race ahead and throw a bunch of other ingredients in the soup. Realizing, and admitting, that "we do not have it" is step 1 in trusting Christ. The next step? .....trusting Him.
Ever had a "knee-jerk" response to something? Of course you have. You're human. In the story line which this snippet of Scripture is taken ....the disciples "assumed" a whole lot in just a few short moments. Jesuse said to them... "You give them something to eat.". The disciples minds raced as they...
a. focussed on what they did not have. I see the here and the now. Logic and common sense tell me ...I either "have" something or I do not. There is only black & white. This is a humanistic viewpoint. I can't make stuff appear out of thin air. And I believe that is absolutely true and correct thinking ...but God can! Whether or not He chooses to depends on whether or not a circumstance aligns with fulfilling His own purpose. I don't need to take it personally when God doesn't move as I would have Him to... because, frankly, I usually desire that God move in a way that benefits, mostly, "me".
b. The disciples rushed to conclusions as they "assumed" what they were to do. "Well obviously, Jesus, you expect us to go buy the food ourselves; seeing that manna isn't falling from Heaven ....and I bet these folks don't think much of manna anyway." Once again, thoughts must have come back to the disciples "themselves" and what they did or did not have. Fine, they must've thought... they could go buy food, but that costs money, which they surely did not have enough of to feed 5,000 people (forget having seconds). But Jesus didn't expect this at all. He knew what He intended to do, and He simply expected his closely-knit little group to trust Him and be obedient. And here's the kicker ...what He had in mind was bigger and better anyway!!
When faced with questions of what we are to do ...what if we begin to practice "asking" the Provider? This means... "asking", and then "waiting" for Him to make it clear. I don't believe we are meant to race ahead and throw a bunch of other ingredients in the soup. Realizing, and admitting, that "we do not have it" is step 1 in trusting Christ. The next step? .....trusting Him.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Do You Know God's Plan For Your Life?
Well, have you asked Him? If you don't know Him personally (..and you can..) the first step toward that is (a) recognizing that we have trespassed against Him, (b) recognizing our "need" for Him and what He has done for us, and (c) surrendering to Him.
If you "do" know Him ...I would be willing to wager that you've had moments, as have I, that it would sure be good to get an itinerary of God's plan for our lives. I've even bargained with God... "Lord, if You'll just spell it out for me ..I'll figure out the how and where, sell whatever I need to sell, disregard whatever I need to disregard... but I just need to know if I'm going in the right direction.".
God enjoys it when we communicate with Him, just as any Father does. But I wonder if we place our own bent on our request for a revelation of our life's journey. Let me give you a couple of examples from Scripture....
1. In Luke 8, Jesus heals a man with a demon. This man, once healed and recognizing Jesus is Lord (v.38) "...begged that he might be with him." Jesus response... "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you."
2. In Matthew 20 a mother makes a request, asking Jesus to "Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." I love Jesus' response!! He asked her, in the modern vernacular, "..do you really know what you're asking?"
There is, no doubt, much to be learned from the above mentioned scenarios. These are "Jesus In Action" scenarios, and it is fascinating to indulge ourselves to literally read how Jesus acted and re-acted to situations. But here's what really stood out to me, today, as I read these two seemingly seperate portions of Scripture. I need to be ever-ready to act, to move, to shift ...at the Lord's direction. I need to position myself, and my family, so that we are ready and able to "drop our nets" when the Lord opens a door. More often, I find myself "asking" God what my purpose is, what direction I am to go. The truth is.... He has truly already made that clear in His Word to us. We are to be ready, in season and out of season, to proclaim the truth of the gospel (2 Tim. 4:2). In terms of what particular direction the Lord may direct us ....(a) we should be careful what we ask, and (b) we should be ready, and willing, to be content just where he has us. Like the man healed of the demon ...God may choose to just use me where I am. That's not as attractive as being a missionary in the utter-most parts of the world ...but if it is His will; I'd rather be obedient. And in relation to the story told in Matthew ...I wonder how many times the Lord has saved me from myself. God knows my heart, and He knows my maturity level as a disciple. He knows what I am ready for, and what I am not.
I'm just going to have to learn to trust Him where I am ...and where He is.
If you "do" know Him ...I would be willing to wager that you've had moments, as have I, that it would sure be good to get an itinerary of God's plan for our lives. I've even bargained with God... "Lord, if You'll just spell it out for me ..I'll figure out the how and where, sell whatever I need to sell, disregard whatever I need to disregard... but I just need to know if I'm going in the right direction.".
God enjoys it when we communicate with Him, just as any Father does. But I wonder if we place our own bent on our request for a revelation of our life's journey. Let me give you a couple of examples from Scripture....
1. In Luke 8, Jesus heals a man with a demon. This man, once healed and recognizing Jesus is Lord (v.38) "...begged that he might be with him." Jesus response... "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you."
2. In Matthew 20 a mother makes a request, asking Jesus to "Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." I love Jesus' response!! He asked her, in the modern vernacular, "..do you really know what you're asking?"
There is, no doubt, much to be learned from the above mentioned scenarios. These are "Jesus In Action" scenarios, and it is fascinating to indulge ourselves to literally read how Jesus acted and re-acted to situations. But here's what really stood out to me, today, as I read these two seemingly seperate portions of Scripture. I need to be ever-ready to act, to move, to shift ...at the Lord's direction. I need to position myself, and my family, so that we are ready and able to "drop our nets" when the Lord opens a door. More often, I find myself "asking" God what my purpose is, what direction I am to go. The truth is.... He has truly already made that clear in His Word to us. We are to be ready, in season and out of season, to proclaim the truth of the gospel (2 Tim. 4:2). In terms of what particular direction the Lord may direct us ....(a) we should be careful what we ask, and (b) we should be ready, and willing, to be content just where he has us. Like the man healed of the demon ...God may choose to just use me where I am. That's not as attractive as being a missionary in the utter-most parts of the world ...but if it is His will; I'd rather be obedient. And in relation to the story told in Matthew ...I wonder how many times the Lord has saved me from myself. God knows my heart, and He knows my maturity level as a disciple. He knows what I am ready for, and what I am not.
I'm just going to have to learn to trust Him where I am ...and where He is.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Everyday Evangelism
“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light." -Luke 8:16-17
My job involves, often, being on the phone with customers. This morning I was assisting a woman from Illinois. I asked if it was as hot in Illinois as in Arkansas; which she confirmed. This led her to talk about her sister in Wyoming (..where there was snow in the mountains just the other day..), which led me to talk about a mission trip to Montana in recent years. This led to a story, which I am sure my wife is tired of hearing me share, of how I once wanted to live as a mountain man, with no more than a fishing pole and peace and quiet. I told this woman, whom I was helping, that I want to someday plant a sign in the ground in Wyoming or Montana that says "...God started here!.." What a beautiful creation "He" has made.
I'd like to tell you that this simple spark of a conversation led to a great spiritual discussion. I'd like to tell you how I was introduced to a sister in Christ (..this has happened before..). Those things didn't happen this time. Her simple response was ...."yeah, it's beautiful out there". No drama, no excitement, not even a very good segue to speak specifically of Jesus Christ. But it sure was great to just talk with one of God's wonderfully created children.
Seed planting. I am reminded, as I go through life, that we are simply seed-planters. Some are actually a part of literally seeing the harvest of people coming to the surrender of Jesus Christ as Lord. But mostly.... I just know seed-planters. Common people, living common lives, faithfully serving a fascinating, glorious, gracious, merciful, and loving Creator God.
As my wife and I praised the Lord together this morning... I told her that I have to constantly remind myself that I need to display my light on a stand, displaying the glory of the Lord? I am tempted to only "shine" when it is convenient, or when I know I'll get a response? It wasn't very eloquent, I know; but I sure hope a seed was planted with the woman to whom I spoke today. I hope she begins to wonder about our Creator, and begins to pursue Him. Oh... I would much rather have had the opportunity to talk about my Jesus, your Jesus, our Jesus; to be intentional about Him. But even when no one is really listening ...maybe I can just scatter a seed ...and pray that it lands on fertile ground. Would you please pray for Debbie, in Illinois, today? If your light is always burning ....people cannot help but to see it.
My job involves, often, being on the phone with customers. This morning I was assisting a woman from Illinois. I asked if it was as hot in Illinois as in Arkansas; which she confirmed. This led her to talk about her sister in Wyoming (..where there was snow in the mountains just the other day..), which led me to talk about a mission trip to Montana in recent years. This led to a story, which I am sure my wife is tired of hearing me share, of how I once wanted to live as a mountain man, with no more than a fishing pole and peace and quiet. I told this woman, whom I was helping, that I want to someday plant a sign in the ground in Wyoming or Montana that says "...God started here!.." What a beautiful creation "He" has made.
I'd like to tell you that this simple spark of a conversation led to a great spiritual discussion. I'd like to tell you how I was introduced to a sister in Christ (..this has happened before..). Those things didn't happen this time. Her simple response was ...."yeah, it's beautiful out there". No drama, no excitement, not even a very good segue to speak specifically of Jesus Christ. But it sure was great to just talk with one of God's wonderfully created children.
Seed planting. I am reminded, as I go through life, that we are simply seed-planters. Some are actually a part of literally seeing the harvest of people coming to the surrender of Jesus Christ as Lord. But mostly.... I just know seed-planters. Common people, living common lives, faithfully serving a fascinating, glorious, gracious, merciful, and loving Creator God.
As my wife and I praised the Lord together this morning... I told her that I have to constantly remind myself that I need to display my light on a stand, displaying the glory of the Lord? I am tempted to only "shine" when it is convenient, or when I know I'll get a response? It wasn't very eloquent, I know; but I sure hope a seed was planted with the woman to whom I spoke today. I hope she begins to wonder about our Creator, and begins to pursue Him. Oh... I would much rather have had the opportunity to talk about my Jesus, your Jesus, our Jesus; to be intentional about Him. But even when no one is really listening ...maybe I can just scatter a seed ...and pray that it lands on fertile ground. Would you please pray for Debbie, in Illinois, today? If your light is always burning ....people cannot help but to see it.
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