Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kickin' it Old School !!

 1"When the LORD your God cuts off the nations whose land the LORD your God is giving you, and you dispossess them and dwell in their cities and in their houses, 2 you shall set apart three cities for yourselves in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess. 3You shall measure the distances and divide into three parts the area of the land that the LORD your God gives you as a possession, so that any manslayer can flee to them. -Deuteronomy 19:1-4

I like "simple". The more complex life becomes, the more I like "simple". As history has unfolded, and as we have "progressed" ("if" that is what we have done), it would only seem natural that we complicate things. We humans are good at that. We try and please and extend to every possible whim and person and scenario.

Deuteronomy 19:1-21, ultimately shows God's "grace". It speaks of "cities of refuge" for a "manslayer" (meaning one who accidentally kills someone; not a cold-blooded murderer). It speaks, very simply, of "property boundaries"; that a man should not "move" a property boundary of a neighbor. It speaks, also, of "laws concerning witnesses"; stating that no "single" person may stand as an accusatory witness of someone else. Two, or three, witnesses are necessary.

Aren't these quite similar to structures of our laws today ...with the exception of a city of refuge, of course? Further evidence as to how our wonderful heritage is based, our country founded, on biblical principles. As we complicate, and try to accommodate every nuance, accept for the God that provided our model of freedom, it seems we stray further and further from simple, biblical principles; the very principles which we enjoy as citizens of the United States of America, whether we realize it or not! Privileges enjoyed by few other countries on the globe. Our God expressed righteousness, but also expressed great mercy. I pray that we continue to model this, and always struggle to balance it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clear Christianity: Defining what it means to "be the church" and "follow Christ"

Intentional, Definitional church

What does that mean, you ask? When I "joined the church" ..I heard words and terms for which I knew not their meaning. I went along with it (danger, danger!!) As I grew, and when I darkened the door of seminary, and likely prior, I began to hear references to things such as "house church"and "missional house church". Many believers began using the term "simple church". A little further down the road we began to hear the term "organic" church. These are all accurate in their means and intentions, though possibly none of them are "complete" in their meaning of what constitutes what / who "church" is. I would argue that "organic church" comes as close as anything I've ever heard. Scratch that.... how about ... "biblical church"?

Are we splitting hairs?? I am very glad for a Christ-follower that is "in the fight", as opposed to one who is happy to be on the sidelines. By definition, the early church did not have the option to stand on the sidelines! Peter tried it, and was so convicted that he got back on his proverbial horse, manned-up, and fought the good fight ....'til the death it would appear. But that picture, that image of "the early church" seems to be either ignored, skewed, warped, or at least neglected today ....and that is all done by us ..."the church". The ones who are supposed to be in the fight! It is no wonder I have heard, over and again, "You Christians can't even agree!" To which an appropriate response is.... "can't agree on what??" or "...with whom?"

Communication, communication, communication. It is "on us", Christ-followers, to provide clarity as to who we are, what we believe, why we believe it, and Whom we believe. (1 Peter 3:15) The older I get the more profound, significant, and critical "word meaning" becomes ...especially in American / western culture, where words take on new meaning, and / or relative meaning, every day it seems. "American English", as it is, is a "lose" language. Conclusively, this affects people in different ways. Some will take a word, term, statement, or phrase to mean something specific to the relative environment around them. More to the point ....statements / words are taken as relative to the "culture" around them. The obvious example of this, of which we all know the technically correct answer to, is the use of the word "church". We say that we are "...going to church". More accurately, we are "...going to be the church", "...going to be with our brothers and sisters of the church." So again, am I splitting hairs? We all know what we mean when we say that ....right? The end result is that we get together with believers and, hopefully, act out the living organism of "Christ' church".

Here's the rub with failing to be "intentional" in our language. A Scripture reading, somewhat mature Christ-follower will have no internal conflict with the term, as an example, "..we are going to church." He / she understands at least the basic concept of 'ekklesia'. So, whether you call it going to church, or going to eat duck ..does it really matter? I contend that it DOES MATTER to the un-believer, or even to an immature believer (maybe more emphasis on this person). Our understanding of meaning becomes embedded in our thinking, and therefore in our acting a thinking out, Conclusively, we begin to place more significance (sticking with the example) on the place "where" we worship and fellowship than we do on whom the church is, and quite tragically ....even Who's the church is. I've heard of "church buildings", or fellowships, being named after family-names; presumably in honor of a family who founded it! What an atrocity! What a tragedy!! What would this speak to someone "looking" for Jesus' church? Would they find Him there?

How many men and women have become "burned out on church", or become confused, feel displaced .....simply because he / she really did not understand the "rules of the game" as it were? Is the answer "simple church"? Well, what does that "mean"? Is the answer "missional church community"? Well, what does THAT mean?

Definition is important. Therefore, being "intentional" is important. This means being and doing "on purpose" and "with purpose". It doesn't conclude we should become paranoid with our words, and over-define each one. It does mean "keeping the main thing the main thing", and therefore "defining the main thing(s)". "Church" is worth defining! Being "Christian" is worth clearly defining! As disciple-making followers of Christ .....we have an inherent obligation to help "set new believers (especially) up to succeed!" Handing a fairly new believer a bible, a Sunday School class, and a pat on the back like equipping a 16 year-old boy with rifle and shipping him off to the front-lines ...and only showing him where to stand so that he may not be shot ..or worse, no training at all. We wouldn't do that!! We would not send someone, knowingly, into harms way without providing the best training possible ...all that we can do to ensure his / her success. Why, then, do we allow it to occur in our "Christ-following fellowships"?

So, what does it mean to be intentional? Definition is required. This is not a call to simply "throw away church words" so much as it is to "define" those "church words"! There may be, and I'm sure there are, many that need thrown away. But more often than not ....these words we "more mature" Christians make fun of ...had "meaning" once upon a time. They had purpose. They had definition.

These are "fundamental" things. Like learning the basic rules of baseball (how to field a ground ball... moreover, how to wear, and position, the glove by which you will field a ground-ball), these fundamentals are an important step in growing as a follower of Christ, and as a functioning member of His body, the church. We wonder why we have so many dys-functional Christians. We throw our hands in the air and wonder if they're really "saved", or dub them as "back-slidden", or just hope they'll "catch-up". It is the role, and duty, of the body / the church to "bear one another's burdens." (Galatians 6:2) What "burden" might a new Christ-follower have ....a burden for thinking he / she is supposed to look, act, think a certain way ...hoping to "make it in the club". All wrong-thinking, but where does this wrong-thinking come from? From the world?? Most surely! It isn't of the Father. So what does "the church" do to aid, and right, that thinking?

I believe part of the answer comes in the form of "definition", and being "intentional" about doing so. A periodic "reboot" seems to be in order for us ....Christ' church. It's not because anything changes with the definition of His church, who His church is, or what her role is for the Kingdom. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yet, it is we who change! We change meanings, we change our minds, we shift directions (as individuals and as a culture) often without even realizing the change. "We" are inconsistent. This makes the term "getting back to basics" important. My argument is that we need to return, often, to the basics .....not neglecting the weightier things, the progressive nature of Christ-followers living out the gospel in their lives ......but not neglecting the fact that those same, maturing followers, returning often, to teach, and re-teach, fundamental Christianity is not just important ...but critical to those who'll come after us ...maybe "generations" after us.

So, how do we become intentional? Maybe it's simpler to, first, state what intentional is NOT, or not only...
  1. Being "intentional" doesn't necessarily mean "busier".
  2. Being "intentional" doesn't necessarily mean "more active".
  3. Being "intentional" doesn't necessarily mean "moving more"
These are fine things, though I fear much of this line of thinking is modeled after the work-world / business-world. It should be the other way around. I could have just saved this entire article and simply stated... let's not put the cart before the horse. But again, what, exactly, does that mean? It is a true statement ....if we understand the context of what it means, and the origin of the statement. This is how we should study Scripture. It is not the "only" way we study Scripture, but it is a fundamental thing we do to properly interpret Scripture, from its grammatical position, its historical, its narrative, and its over-all story-line. "The church", being a living, breathing, truth of Scripture .....should not be neglected by we Christ-followers defaulting to a "learn by the seat of your pants" mentality. There will be enough of that kind of learning, for any believer, despite our best efforts. But that does not negate our "best efforts".

If we fail at all else, church, let us not fail at clearly stating that which we, the church, are, and if applicable... what we are not. When we use terms and language ...let's take the time to apply meaning and purpose. For the new believer, let's be a part of setting him / her up to succeed. For the world looking at "Christians" and trying to understand who we are, and what we mean by our actions and words, let's be purposeful, deliberate, intentional. It is, indeed, additional effort ....but there is no labor more greatly needed than a lost and dying world to see a true representation of Jesus Christ and His church. "Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." The wisdom is in knowing the difference. Pray for wisdom.

I never forgot where I came from

I've heard it said, from many successful people... "I never forgot where I came from."

"As the LORD your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you;"  -Deuteronomy 15:14-15 

This realization would seem to accomplish / remind / teach us, at least, two things, in relation to how you and I live today.

  1. Inward Response: Realizing God's blessing and redemption should propel a person to live less selfishly.
    • The simple fact that we breathe and inhabit the land is simply by God's grace. He doesn't have to allow us to even breathe. Don't take it for granted. God owes you nothing.
  2. Outward Response: Realizing that God redeemed us, while not owing us a single thing, should propel a person to live more graciously.
    • Practice empathy, even undeserved favor when and where it may bless and encourage someone; not forsaking tough love where necessary, nor forsaking God's righteous, and holy, standard ....always acting out of love.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where Is God - Part 2

Little Jimmy is in trouble. Yup, that's "Little Johnny's" kid brother. Forget "what" the trouble is ..whether it's worse, or less worse, than last week. Jimmy and Johnny's dear sweet momma has had ENOUGH! She'd made the regular pilgrimage to the principal's office often enough when Johnny was Jimmy's age. She's gonna' head the troubles of kid-brother off at the pass. Nip it in the bud!!

So Jimmy's mom doesn't hesitate, nor is she caught off-guard. She had committed herself to marching Jimmy right down to their pastor's office ...upon the next occurrence of "trouble". And so she does.....

Bro. Bill Roberts, Jimmy's pastor, sure loves Jimmy, Johnny, and their family. Bill remembers his own wayward ways when he was about Jimmy's age. He can't help but giggle just a bit after Jimmy's mom herds her son into his office. He knew this was coming. She had spoken to him about "her boys" several times before. He also knew that it was serious business to Jimmy's mom. Bill wondered exactly how he would approach "getting in Jimmy's head" when the time came. Well, here they were.

"Jimmy, I've known you longer than you've known me. You're a neat kid with a great big heart. How come you're always gettin' into trouble at school?" Bill is not at all surprised by Jimmy's well thought out and analytical respone.

"I 'unno" ...Jimmy mumbles, slouched in a chair on Pastor Bill's screened-in back porch. He didn't want Jimmy to feel intimidated by "the pastor's office" he decided they'd walk next door to the Roberts' home and get an ice-cream bar out of the freezer. The Mrs. kept plenty on-hand. This was Pastor Bill's secret addiction. So, Pastor Bill and Jimmy relax.

"This ain't gonna' be so bad."
 ...Jimmy thought to himself.

Pastor Bill was prepared for... "I 'unno". Heck, it was the same answer he had given on many occasions as a kid! Honestly, he had used the same response when Mrs. Roberts asked him about the trail of mud through their house last weekend! Determined to get to the root of why Jimmy seemingly finds "trouble" so attractive ....Bill pulls out the big guns. It's time to find out what Jimmy knows about the Lord.

"Jimmy... where is God?" ..Pastor Bill asks in a gentle tone, but a tone that expects a response if the dead silence following didn't make that clear.
Jimmy's eyes roam the room. Is he looking for an answer ...or looking for the door?

With a little more stern-ness this time.... Jimmy..."
Jimmy's heart begins racing now. 

This kid is tight as a drum! "Jimmy ....I want you to tell me where God is??"

Pastor Bill had no more than released the words from his lips before Jimmy nearly "leaped" for the screen-door, blew it open, hung a sharp left ...and made a bee-line (obstacles included) for "home" ...the safety of home!!

Blowing right through his own screen-door, blurring past his mom (who certainly didn't have an opportunity to glean, from Jimmy, how "the interview" went), and into the room he and big brother Johnny shared.

Every breath gained desperately, Jimmy slams the door shut, eyes bugged out, and glares at Johnny, relaxed on his bed reading a magazine. Johnny's a pro at this! He'll know what to do!!

"What in the world's wrong dude?? You look like you've seen an alien or somethin'!" ...Johnny smirks. He knew this look. He INVENTED this look! This was gonna' be kinda' fun.

"Johnny ...we're in big trouble!" ..Jimmy gasped. Notice how he included his big brother in his dilemma?

"God is missing ....and they think we did it!!!"

Has it ever occurred to you, that nothing ever occurs to God? He's never caught off-guard. Like Jeremiah... God has a plan for our lives ..even Jimmy's.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." -Jeremiah 1:5

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:11-13

Where Is God - Part 1

"Fred, remember when we were young, when we were dating?" ..Carolyn says with a calm smile, and a tone of nostalgia in her voice as she and her husband of 35 years drive into town.

"Mmmhmm" ...responds Fred. They've been married long enough that he "knows" much more is coming! He'll never show it... as he drives with one arm relaxed over the steering wheel, the other propping his chin up on the door-frame. But he is still fascinated by his wife, his mate, after all these years. He wonders what actually "is" coming next. 

"Fred, we were sooo in love! Why... I didn't get in your truck unless it was through your door. And I never even made the seat warm on the passenger side. We were side-by-side ...anywhere we went. Weren't those the days Fred?" This is, by no means, the crescendo. There's still more.

"Yes ma'am." ..Fred says. It's time to start sounding genuinely interested, and he is.

"Well, what happened??
" Carolyn sounds a little more exasperated now. She's not, but this is the most effective way to really get Fred's attention. "What happened to being young, and in love? And what happened to us sitting side-by-side?? We NEVER went anywhere that I wasn't snuggled up against you! You had to drive with one arm on the wheel, and one arm around me. Remember, I had to shift that old truck of yours!" Carolyn giggled at the embedded image of her wrestling the shifter in Fred's half-baked old "Bessy". "So what happened to those days Fred? Why don't we sit by one another when we're goin' somewhere?"

With a simple smile from one side of his mouth, Fred glances to his, still beautiful, wife ...leaning against the passenger door, and says... "Carolyn, I haven't moved."

Ever feel that God has moved away from you, is indifferent to your life, maybe even abandoned you? Good news! It's us that moves away. Any inconsistency is our own. He is waiting for your return.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." -Hebrews 13:8

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cheap Ointment

"For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me." -Matthew 26:11

There are times that we should practice being "frugal" I suppose. "Waste not, want not.". "There are children starving all over the world...", etc. Likewise, we must discern when to pull out all the stops, pour it on thick, and use what we've got you don't know when a "moment" will pass ....never to be re-created again. This is a truth I am constantly reminding myself of with my own family. There is no institution in our lives more significant than our family. Scripture places a high value on the family (1 Timothy 3:5); both for practical reasons of our personal ministry calling, and simply because God created "family". We'll not always have our children, for example. We should value the time with them, and make sacrifices anywhere we can afford ....and quite possibly in the areas where we canNOT afford. It is left to us to discern the difference. Family is worth it.

The woman who poured the expensive ointment on Jesus' head got this! While the disciples were thinking "practically", they weren't thinking "lovingly". Their Savior presented this woman with what was to be a final opportunity to "love" the Savior as He dwelt among them. What a beautiful moment! I'd say the ointment wasn't costly enough ....even cheap, compared to the tab Jesus was about to pay.

As Christ-followers We Are Entitled To....

...ETERNAL LIFE WITH THE LORD OF ALL CREATION! Anything else is cake! Anything less is, at least, deserved.

I hear the word "entitlement" thrown around a lot nowadays ....mostly referring to socio-political discussions. A dictionary definition of "entitlement" indicates...'a right to a guaranteed benefit'. It is feared that we, as Americans, have fallen into a sense of "entitlement", and no doubt so has the rest of the modernized world. But as a Christ-follower... "entitlement" is our only hope of salvation!

Let me be just a little more careful with my words here. God doesn't "owe" you or I a single thing. We are "His" creation, whom He can redeem (cash in) if He so desires, or can be disposed of if He so desires. Those seem like very harsh words don't they? Again, let me be careful not to paint a portrait of a giant, mean, god. The God to whom we submit, who owes us nothing, is, in fact, anything but that. He is "holy" (set apart) and He is just! Anything less would make Him a lesser god. I would submit He is either Lord "of" all, or not Lord "at" all. It is only by His "grace" that we are "entitled" salvation. Knowing that He could just as easily choose NOT to entitle a single positive benefit to me, and knowing that He does so because He loves me is a humbling, fearful, and encouraging thought (under-statement).

He is the Lord of all creation. Who am I that He is mindful of me?

O LORD, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him? Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow. -Psalm 144:3-4