"As the LORD your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you;" -Deuteronomy 15:14-15
This realization would seem to accomplish / remind / teach us, at least, two things, in relation to how you and I live today.
- Inward Response: Realizing God's blessing and redemption should propel a person to live less selfishly.
- The simple fact that we breathe and inhabit the land is simply by God's grace. He doesn't have to allow us to even breathe. Don't take it for granted. God owes you nothing.
- Outward Response: Realizing that God redeemed us, while not owing us a single thing, should propel a person to live more graciously.
- Practice empathy, even undeserved favor when and where it may bless and encourage someone; not forsaking tough love where necessary, nor forsaking God's righteous, and holy, standard ....always acting out of love.