Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How & Where To Serve

How do you serve? If a follower of Christ ..."where" you will serve is the only question. If not yet a follower ...know that God can, and will, use you ...once you've surrendered your will and life to Him. I wrestled with "where / how to specifically serve" for many seasons in life. God used all things that I tried. Some to teach me... "nope, not there" (at least not long-term). Other areas, simply to serve in certain seasons of life. For example... I was once passionate about youth ministry, and my role in it. I'm still passionate about ministering to,  and discipling,  young people. However, God has shown that my long-term energies are better used elsewhere. I've served as a worship leader. Music is an obvious part of how God has called me. More on that. I have served as lead pastor. No doubt... I could still serve in that beautiful, difficult, role. These days, I have once again answered God's call to serve as a worship pastor. I always have been, and always will be, this. Whether in role / title or simply in purpose ...worship, via the vehicle of music, is both a passion and a recognition of God's specific gifting in my life. Totally loving it at this point in life.

Within all of these roles has existed one common, simple, thread. "I didn't know until I tried." Now I'm not recommending that you write down some ministry roles on a piece of paper, then toss a dart. Rather, if you have surrendered your will to God's will, and are saved, pray about how God has built you. The unique you. Then, begin to test the many paths of ministry, as your life's ministry might be used in specific areas. And, by the way, be useFUL in any role. He will make clear, in your submissive will to Him, where you fit like a glove. If you have yet to surrender to Him / His will ...I pray you will see clearly to do so, soon.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Have A Cheap Christmas

If the Christmas season comes across as cheap to you.... welcome to modern culture. Sorry for the title. You may have thought this was going to be a Pinterest-like article. But I'm no Scrooge. Really! There are, in fact, kind and generous acts, both from individuals and collectives, who probably represent Christ-likeness better than some gatherings of organized religion. I digress a little. But we all know this is true; Christmas is generally cheap, and the cheapness is rung in on Black Friday. Or is it on Cyber-Monday?

This is an important reminder! God did not just "cut us a deal" or randomly pardon us. Jesus was born to die, and died so we may have life. If you don't believe, in faith, the truth of who Jesus is... you'll never see God's love. You MUST believe. Period. If you DO choose to believe the truth of who Jesus is, and feel that you only call on God, and His forgiveness, as needed ....then you are either deliberately rebelling against God, un-regenerate / un-saved, or at the very least... need a healthy, caring, Christ-follower to move into your life; as life has surely fogged up your windshield. The old term for this is back-slidden. By the way... you never stop needing other Followers in your life. I've yet to "arrive". You can't be a true Follower / a Christian and hand-pick God's grace. Clarity is needed. Unbridaled surrender is needed. And don't think you've really ticked God off. If so ...then we all have. But this is His compelling love ..."even as we are sinners, Christ died for us." Repent and return. Read the Christmas Story ...through clear lenses.

So... in this season... enjoy the giving. Enjoy the receiving. Just see it through clean lenses.

"And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh."
                            -Matthew 2:11 ESV

Friday, December 2, 2016

Nothing & Everything

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ."
                           -Philippians 3:8

"My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride."
                             -Isaac Watts

Everything good, and honorable, and noble, be it of old, or new, even our good, noteworthy traditions ... all must fall prostrate to the glory of Christ. The very thought ..the plan ...of Christ! Wow! Do you get that? He died for you, and it was no mere martyr's death! No, it was the fulfillnent of God's love ...for you, for me, for us! May that good news NEVER become old news!

Whatever good we do ...is but rubbish in comparison. We may feed the nations, bring peace in turmoil. All but a flick of a thought ....in the shadow of the cross of Christ.

Do not be afraid to seek the real, true goodness of God through Jesus Christ. Take the chance. It is, instead, a certainty of the fulfillment of eternity with God the Father.

By the way... Isaac Watts wrote the afore mentioned lyrics out of a heart needful of praising God for the brought promise of the new covenant. The Church of England saw fit to break from strictly singing old covenant psalms, as Watts' testimony of the wonderful cross was simply not to be ignored. So... what is now a song / hymn of great tradition was once a "new song unto the Lord."

Capture the wonder and beauty of Christ' sacrifice. Cherish it. Allow it to put a new song in your heart. Sing a new song ...but unto the Lord. You would find yourself, as the Apostle Paul, realizing that whatever good you've done,  whatever worldly, worthy accomplishment, is but a fraction of even the mere idea of who Jesus Christ is.

If God is bigger than our successes ...the failures are only a forgiveness away ...all done ...at, and on, the cross where Jesus died ...and rose ...and lives again, in His Father's

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Perfection of The Cross

"God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…" —Galatians 6:14

Many things occur in the life of a follower of Jesus, but nothing should hold more weight than what happened on the cross. Not how we feel. Not even how we act. We are inconsistent. What was done on the cross is perfect. Finished.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Even on our tough days we have much to be thankful for, right? But here's to better days! Cheers to better days! And if we can't have better days, then days that make us better.

Here's a good word this morning. May your total dependence be on the Lord. I'm working on me.

"Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters…, so our eyes look to the Lord our God…"
                                —Psalm 123:2

Saturday, November 19, 2016


I love to travel ...just not crazy about being away from home. I love to learn ...but especially if it's something I'm already familiar with. Streeeeeeeeeeetccchh!!

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man." - Luke 2:52

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17

People Are People

We are, all, the minority. Whatever class, or race, or religious affiliation ...we are a minority compared to the "human" race, which God established.

Traveling to Kenya several years ago, I came back with one overarching, and somewhat overwhelming, sense of ...no matter where you go, or how different the culture, ...people are people. Traveling to New Orleans (on our way home now) that reality manifest itself strongly again, just watching life happen. In different circumstances, to be sure, but that truth remains ...people are people. Red, yellow, black, or white ...all are precious in His sight. We met a few strange characters, though far more kind, compassionate characters, and watched this melting-pot of a city, ebb & flow.

So I am, again, reminded.... from the impoverished in the inner-city of the land of the free ...to the nearly destitute of an otherwise beautiful foreign land ...people are, still, people.

I challenge this. Dare... to stop and talk to those you feel are different than you, those whom you may be afraid to strike a conversation with. Even those you fear may want something which you fear you cannot give. Give them a chance to ask, then don't be afraid to be honest. A savvy street magician exemplified this truth. He said something like this (poorly quoted; his more effective)... "As we gather together to see what I'm doing we become a community. For a moment,  we're all on the same page."

Whatever differences you may have; political, social, personal, or otherwise, remember ...people are people. His people. Doesn't mean you become a door-mat or a sucker. Seek wisdom from God, who provides it. Be you. Be forthright. Exclaiming our differences reveals our personalities and passions. Doing so, with genuine love, demonstrates our willingness to be a part of a community larger than ourselves, or even those with whom we are uncomfortable. Would you be willing to find out you are wrong?

People are people.

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."
- Psalm 139:14 

"So God created man in his own image,in the image of God he created him;male and female he created them.
- Genesis 1:27

Steve Terrell

Sunday, November 13, 2016

No Pride, Just Provision

If we do any good at all, it is by His grace alone. No pride.

"For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor." - Gal. 2:18

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Patience. Endurance. LOVE

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

-when you are agitated
-when you are aggravated
-when life let's you down
-when the family's around
-whether with church or with job
-or in midst of the mob
-when you spar with your spouse
-when your spouse spars with you
-no matter what you do
-do it in love

1 Corinthians 13 is such a beautiful truth, and beautifully written, that truly applies to every aspect of our lives! Certainly, Paul was speaking to the church in Corinth. But about what? There was immorality and infighting. He charged the church.. to love, to endure all things, for the sake and cause of Christ. Surely still a more than applicable message in our daily lives ...of political frustration, religious pastels, and ever mounting pressure on the family core. Read this with fresh eyes today. Apply it to your heart. Next time you feel ready to spar ...remember... Patience. Endurance. LOVE.
-Steve Terrell

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Christ Did Not Die for a 501(c)(3)

Good article, and the very idea(s) which this particular, and completely unpopular, blog (reclaimchristianity.com) was based upon.

"Christ is a person, not an idea"
"The church is us, not it"

I recently completed the membership process with my new church. As our cohort of new members went around the room for introductions, I was surprised at the outpouring of woundedness — from children …


Steve Terrell

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Art of Vision

Leadership comes in many forms. A  good leader always demands a clear understanding of the question ...where are we going? But drill down even one fathom deeper than that. How does one have a foreknowledge of ...where are we going... in the first place? These are questions for business, for the church, for marriage, for family, for individuals, for life.

I am, admittedly, poor at the mechanics of visual art. Yet, I can observe this much. A true artist can create something from nothing. He or she has a vision for what is to be, and is not hindered by ...what is. A desirable characteristic.  Either he was "led" to this vision of another (good leadership) or he envisioned himself (saw something not yet there). Both qualities are needed in life. Sometimes these characteristics are co-mingled in one person. Probably more often... they are contained by individuals strong in each respective area. Therein, is another topic of "teamwork".

Because a picture is worth a thousand words ...the art in this video seems to  speak this truth clearly.

It had to be, that step one in being able to create, like this, was to know where he was going before he ever began. And to know the answer to  ...where are we going... requires seeing something that isn't currently there. May we practice the craft, the art, of vision, and leadership, through this lens.

~Steve Terrell

Friday, July 29, 2016

Life Giver

"I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have given me life." - Psalm 119:93

This falls under the same idea as Wednesday's blog-post. Referring to the idea that... "I didn't create me." But whoever did must care. Otherwise, why would he bother? I believe that someone to be our Father God, as scripture states him to be. If the Father provides rules (natural, inferred, or explicitly stated) then I am persuaded this is for my good. So, I will not forget, because You, my Lord, truly are the giver of life.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Foundational Faith

"By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible." - Hebrews 11:3

I find that when supporting the idea, the evidence, that God created all things ...I usually summarize with this statement. "Well, I didn't create me." That is a known fact. I have no such power. And if that is true, then the next logical conclusion is that an intelligent designer created me. And if that is true, then it is quite simple, and plausible, to conclude ...this same designer could establish the Son of Man, through which eternal security was established. Do I know, per any concrete evidence, that God is who He says He is, through His inspired word? My response is echoed in Hebrews 11:3. Faith is not wishful thinking. It is solid, conclusive thinking. Deductive reasoning, based on the evidences made obvious through creation (Romans 1:20). If God created all, then a miraculous, sinless, life-giving Jesus is not a leap for me.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Only By His Power & My Surrender

We are a work in progress. Not our own progress, mind you. But the Lord's. Living life as a follower of Christ is fairly simple (not to be confused with easy). God gives the beautiful choice to surrender and obey, or to have our own way.

OBEY GOD -we have zero hope of any form of Godliness, until we humble ourselves, obey, and submit to Him.

BE HOLY - this ONLY follows obedience. Forget what you see, in the world, betrayed as "holy". Christians are set apart, and for God's service. Yes, work and sacrifice on our part (with full joy), but only possible because we, first, SURRENDERED!

"So they listened to the word of the Lord..." (2 Chronicles 11:4)

"For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age" (Titus 2:11-12)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Gloves Off

The truth about it all. Curtains pulled back, guard dropped. Please understand (those who will take offense quickly on this) my heart of hearts. We get it. The world has made it crystal-clear, that the good ol' days of a basic respect for "the Christian" are well over. I like the honesty better anyway. Truly! I am very happy... for sake of honesty, mutual respect, communication, and friendship ...that people confront me / us with hard, strong questions like... "what kind of loving God would send, or even allow, people to an eternal hell?" That is a much better question than the many, many other vague, lifeless questions we (the church) have possibly enabled in. In our defense... we were really trying to be nice. Too nice, as it turns out. I apologize for that. Believe me when I tell you ...most of us would rather not get wrapped up in the heavy-felt, burdensome, this-is-how-you-lose-a-friend ...topic of "the Christian belief and way". Me? I'm a little warped. Lol. To that point... I'll also let you know... I have a little interest in some over-intellectualized, all religions are the same, all mean nothing,, feaux-equity attitude of.... "hey, let me believe what I want, while I snub my nose at your foolish Christian beliefs" ..attitude. Most definitely... you have the absolute "right" to feel that way, and or behave that way. I just fear that we are already incommunicato. My point is... I don't wanna' spar. Maybe a little. I don't wanna' rob you of your freedoms to live your life as you choose. Right the opposite, in fact. I absolutely support that notion. I also answer to a holy, just, loving God who supports the same. He taught me my own attitude toward the matter. This holy, just, loving God loves you and I so much that He won't force His love on you. He'll simply offer it. You are truly FREE. That is the good news. Free not to take it. That is His design. But it isn't His desire. Some will, again, intellectualize that very statement. Let's save one another the trouble of debate. Life's too short. I can't say it any other way, or be more convincing. God loves you... period. Murderer, rapist, good guy/girl, jihadist, thief, bank president, Rotary Club member, cute mommy of three, prostitute, homeless, spoiled brat, and even those who just will not believe in such an asinine thing as an eternal God of the universe, who hates sin, but loves me. By the way... when you hyper-smart people can provide no-argument evidence that we just evolved from some sort of  nothing ...I'll ditch God and join you, I guess. Though there would be nothing to join huh?. Meanwhile, I must continue to live by faith. A much easier faith for me to swallow. We're all in this together, folks. The list previously mentioned. I don't / can't hate you ..unless I just hate myself. And I do not. I can't think I'm better than you. That's an old trick isn't it? I'm not better. Way easy to demonstrate and prove it. And I will if you ask. THAT is also precisely why I can love you enough to be honest about this whole Jesus thing. Hard to believe those bible stories isn't it? Yup, I get it. And you won't believe it ...until you just take the plunge of faith. Sounds like a "here, drink this kool-aid" statement doesn't it? Lol. I totally understand that feeling, that skepticism. Dunno' what else to tell you though. It's a trust issue. We are not weirdos; at least any more so than we would be if not following Christ. We're not all perfect people either. Some un-believers are even more moral. Just the ttuth, sadly. Might as well be honest about it. It isn't changing. I'm not wanting to waste your time debating morality, freedom of religious belief, whether investing in the stock market is good or bad, sweet or unsweet tea, etc. No. I want you to experience the same "love of Christ" that has flooded my very being. I also want you to have the freedom not to. I love you for that. I support that! Until you crave that sort of freedom ...I'm not terribly sure you can truly follow Christ. Arguable, I guess. I won't treat you any differently. But I "will" be honest with you, because I DO love you. And the only reason I can even love that much ...is because this big, mean God loves me that much. So, I'm kinda' done being a careful Christian. You should really be tired of that too. I wanna go ride my motorcycle, and I mean like a LOT! I wanna play my guitar really loud (I'll respect your ears though), because these things are simply "me". And I want you to be you! Isn't that great! It's beautiful! And the God I follow designed it. But love your neighbor like yourself, and right behind loving God. True freedom. It's what we all want, but live in a fear-mongering world, who wishes to rob that. In the most Christian language I can muster... to Hell with that noise! My faith is not perfect. It doesn't have to be. I'm not accurate in all my doctrine, though I work as hard as I can to be. It is not a requirement of the faith. No time, personally, for the perfect people. You intimidate me and offend me. Both because you think you are, and because you are dishonest and dillusional to get there. But I kinda get it. I'm really no better anyway. I just have different issues. THAT is why Jesus died as He did. Because we just can't be perfect. So, He perfected for us. True love. True freedom. Do you wanna' be free?

Steve Terrell

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Faulty Faith

Why would we, why do we, so easily place our security in the "things of the world", albeit things we can touch, reference, etc. Surely, we KNOW that these, too, are perishable things, dying things? There is some sense of security (false, as it may be) in familiar things, things we can see, touch, or know someone who, very recently, has.

"And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham."
(Matthew 3:9 ESV)

John the Baptist, this wiley, kinda' wild, unorthodox, outcast of a character says it right... "So you have Abraham as your father. That's great. Can he secure your eternity?" I wonder,  did they ever ask, and really consider... who was Abraham's faith in?

God used Abraham in an amazing way. He is part of God's story. Frankly, I'd like his autograph. But he's NOT God!

What faith do you place your eternal answer in? Warren Wiersbe said it best.... "Like Nicodemus in John 3, they stumbled at the truth that they needed to be born again." There's the problem! Recognizing, admitting, that we are needy.

John continues, with more of what I call "spiritual common sense"...
"Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."
(Matthew 3:10 ESV)

I have to quote Wiersbe again... "the root determines the fruit". It's not about what we can do to impress God. We cannot. But, we don't have to. Instead, with our faith rightly established, in the One who does affect our eternity, we will "then" bare fruit that is worth sharing.

Steve Terrell