How do you serve? If a follower of Christ ..."where" you will serve is the only question. If not yet a follower ...know that God can, and will, use you ...once you've surrendered your will and life to Him. I wrestled with "where / how to specifically serve" for many seasons in life. God used all things that I tried. Some to teach me... "nope, not there" (at least not long-term). Other areas, simply to serve in certain seasons of life. For example... I was once passionate about youth ministry, and my role in it. I'm still passionate about ministering to, and discipling, young people. However, God has shown that my long-term energies are better used elsewhere. I've served as a worship leader. Music is an obvious part of how God has called me. More on that. I have served as lead pastor. No doubt... I could still serve in that beautiful, difficult, role. These days, I have once again answered God's call to serve as a worship pastor. I always have been, and always will be, this. Whether in role / title or simply in purpose ...worship, via the vehicle of music, is both a passion and a recognition of God's specific gifting in my life. Totally loving it at this point in life.
Within all of these roles has existed one common, simple, thread. "I didn't know until I tried." Now I'm not recommending that you write down some ministry roles on a piece of paper, then toss a dart. Rather, if you have surrendered your will to God's will, and are saved, pray about how God has built you. The unique you. Then, begin to test the many paths of ministry, as your life's ministry might be used in specific areas. And, by the way, be useFUL in any role. He will make clear, in your submissive will to Him, where you fit like a glove. If you have yet to surrender to Him / His will ...I pray you will see clearly to do so, soon.