Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How & Where To Serve

How do you serve? If a follower of Christ ..."where" you will serve is the only question. If not yet a follower ...know that God can, and will, use you ...once you've surrendered your will and life to Him. I wrestled with "where / how to specifically serve" for many seasons in life. God used all things that I tried. Some to teach me... "nope, not there" (at least not long-term). Other areas, simply to serve in certain seasons of life. For example... I was once passionate about youth ministry, and my role in it. I'm still passionate about ministering to,  and discipling,  young people. However, God has shown that my long-term energies are better used elsewhere. I've served as a worship leader. Music is an obvious part of how God has called me. More on that. I have served as lead pastor. No doubt... I could still serve in that beautiful, difficult, role. These days, I have once again answered God's call to serve as a worship pastor. I always have been, and always will be, this. Whether in role / title or simply in purpose ...worship, via the vehicle of music, is both a passion and a recognition of God's specific gifting in my life. Totally loving it at this point in life.

Within all of these roles has existed one common, simple, thread. "I didn't know until I tried." Now I'm not recommending that you write down some ministry roles on a piece of paper, then toss a dart. Rather, if you have surrendered your will to God's will, and are saved, pray about how God has built you. The unique you. Then, begin to test the many paths of ministry, as your life's ministry might be used in specific areas. And, by the way, be useFUL in any role. He will make clear, in your submissive will to Him, where you fit like a glove. If you have yet to surrender to Him / His will ...I pray you will see clearly to do so, soon.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Have A Cheap Christmas

If the Christmas season comes across as cheap to you.... welcome to modern culture. Sorry for the title. You may have thought this was going to be a Pinterest-like article. But I'm no Scrooge. Really! There are, in fact, kind and generous acts, both from individuals and collectives, who probably represent Christ-likeness better than some gatherings of organized religion. I digress a little. But we all know this is true; Christmas is generally cheap, and the cheapness is rung in on Black Friday. Or is it on Cyber-Monday?

This is an important reminder! God did not just "cut us a deal" or randomly pardon us. Jesus was born to die, and died so we may have life. If you don't believe, in faith, the truth of who Jesus is... you'll never see God's love. You MUST believe. Period. If you DO choose to believe the truth of who Jesus is, and feel that you only call on God, and His forgiveness, as needed ....then you are either deliberately rebelling against God, un-regenerate / un-saved, or at the very least... need a healthy, caring, Christ-follower to move into your life; as life has surely fogged up your windshield. The old term for this is back-slidden. By the way... you never stop needing other Followers in your life. I've yet to "arrive". You can't be a true Follower / a Christian and hand-pick God's grace. Clarity is needed. Unbridaled surrender is needed. And don't think you've really ticked God off. If so ...then we all have. But this is His compelling love ..."even as we are sinners, Christ died for us." Repent and return. Read the Christmas Story ...through clear lenses.

So... in this season... enjoy the giving. Enjoy the receiving. Just see it through clean lenses.

"And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh."
                            -Matthew 2:11 ESV

Friday, December 2, 2016

Nothing & Everything

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ."
                           -Philippians 3:8

"My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride."
                             -Isaac Watts

Everything good, and honorable, and noble, be it of old, or new, even our good, noteworthy traditions ... all must fall prostrate to the glory of Christ. The very thought ..the plan ...of Christ! Wow! Do you get that? He died for you, and it was no mere martyr's death! No, it was the fulfillnent of God's love ...for you, for me, for us! May that good news NEVER become old news!

Whatever good we do ...is but rubbish in comparison. We may feed the nations, bring peace in turmoil. All but a flick of a thought ....in the shadow of the cross of Christ.

Do not be afraid to seek the real, true goodness of God through Jesus Christ. Take the chance. It is, instead, a certainty of the fulfillment of eternity with God the Father.

By the way... Isaac Watts wrote the afore mentioned lyrics out of a heart needful of praising God for the brought promise of the new covenant. The Church of England saw fit to break from strictly singing old covenant psalms, as Watts' testimony of the wonderful cross was simply not to be ignored. So... what is now a song / hymn of great tradition was once a "new song unto the Lord."

Capture the wonder and beauty of Christ' sacrifice. Cherish it. Allow it to put a new song in your heart. Sing a new song ...but unto the Lord. You would find yourself, as the Apostle Paul, realizing that whatever good you've done,  whatever worldly, worthy accomplishment, is but a fraction of even the mere idea of who Jesus Christ is.

If God is bigger than our successes ...the failures are only a forgiveness away ...all done ...at, and on, the cross where Jesus died ...and rose ...and lives again, in His Father's