Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Credibility, Integrity, Believe-ability

This morning's study is very poignant, and provoking. As an aside... I mostly use the devotional just to follow a yearly scripture reading. Yet, I always read the devotional itself. But today... the devotional, itself, screams at me. All parts, including the "Wisdom from" quote at the bottom. Try and soak it up with me.

My reading, this morning, provokes another, conjunctive, thought. And not just an aside. Maybe this is confessional, rather than just thought-provoking.

Credibility, integrity, believe-ability... is a many-laned road. That is... I have trouble trusting "people" as it comes to their interpretation of trusting and following Christ. Not (so much) trusting Christ, Himself. That demands a whole lot of unpacking, which cannot be performed here,, and is possibly even starkly contradictory to trusting Christ some ways, at first glance, at least. Though not overtly intentional. In simple terms... just hoping it rings of an authentic truth, or just plain reality, to any reading this. A paradoxical statement, isn't it? As I ask you to "trust" things I say, or someone else says. :) Hmmm.. actions, love actions, truly do speak louder than words. Trusting me, or anyone else, comes with time and a track-record.

And before I sound too neuvo-Christian... I hold an historic, firm, belief / conclusion that Hell is real; based on scripture itself. Sounds from out of left field doesn't it? Hang with me. This is a truth, or surely I wouldn't even bother with these things ...would I? That is a sobering, self-inflicting, wound ...too. But I think of my children, my family, my beloved friends, missing who Jesus really is. The stranger, the wanderer, missing who Jesus really is. Heavy, weighty, burden-ful. Some coming posts, from a book I'm reading, will make this make more sense to some. He is worth putting oneself out there for. He is worth risking one's perceived credibility for.